Thursday, June 14, 2007

What a day! Cameron is such a strong little one....

Our angel and one of God's special children did great today. In the last report--every 2 hours throughout the day--Dr. Vining said she was "rock solid" throughout the procedure--total of about 8 hours. They removed most of the brain tissue on the right side and only left tissue that would have been a danger to remove but disconnected it instead to not be able to spread a seizure. The removed tissue definitely was diseased (noticeable atrophy) so this finally confirmed we did the right thing for Cameron's future. It is amazing that they can do this and the rest of the brain compensates mostly for the lost function eventually. She will remain in the PICU for the next few days and tonight she is asleep and will be afixed to her left side allowing the spinal fluid to fill the space left after the removal so as not to allow the other side to shift causing damage. Everything explained to us by the tremendous staff at Johns Hopkins has made perfect sense. We were told to go back to the hotel and get good sleep tonight as the following days will require much attention to keep Cameron comfortable as she recovers. We are in the room and Shelly is already asleep so we will be back to see our baby early in the morning. God's grace is truly wonderful and we have been touched very deeply by the prayers, tremendous faith, and encouragement given to us by all of our dear friends and family. Caroline will be here tomorrow--thanks Stephanie!!--and we can't wait to see her. We will probably wait to take her to see Sissie b/c of the swelling Cameron will probably have tomorrow. Mainly to have her here in Baltimore will make our initial journey feel complete and start our new journey to Cameron's recovery and new life. Many thanks to Dr. Jallo, Dr. Vining, Dr. Hartman and all of the surgical staff for taking such good care of our special girl. Toby & Kate from our film crew even qualified us for a special private waiting room--nice perk for sure for our large family support network here. All of your prayers for Cameron's safety and the doctor's hands were answered today---praise the Lord!! Thank you for your continued prayers for her recovery and rehabilitation. With God all things are possible--we have evidence from today........more updates to follow and we will try to post daily during our stay in Baltimore.

All our love,

the motts (Cameron, Caroline, Shelly & Casey and Dillon & Amber back home)

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